Right Ways To Treat Your Baby Acne

Baby acne is a skin condition that is harmless. It appears on infants from time they are born to the time they are about 7 months old. This condition gives the baby’s skin a reddish blotchy appearance. It is said that boys are more vulnerable to baby acne as compared to girls. This acne can appear on the baby’s cheeks, on the forehead, on the chin and sometimes the back.

The cause of baby acne is not really clear but based on research there is a high possibility that the hormones the mother passes on to the baby are the cause of baby acne. This acne has also been linked to the fact that if the mother is taking some medication when nursing, it could be exactly what is causing the baby acne. Your baby could also be reacting to some skincare product especially those that are oily and are likely to block pores.

Right ways to treat your baby acne
Baby acne

This condition is harmless and disappears in a matter of weeks. If it doesn’t go away in three months you should consult your doctor. He will prescribe a topical medication that is mild and safe for your baby’s skin.

When it comes to treating baby acne there are things you should not try out. These include:

  1. Using over the counter acne medicines.
  2. Washing your baby’s skin too much. His acne is not brought about by dirt. By you scrubbing baby’s skin you irritate it more causing more damage.
  3. Using oily lotions on your baby. There is a very high possibility of these lotions causing more damage.

How to treat baby acne

If you thinking the acne is being caused by using a certain soap, discontinue the use of that soap. Clean your baby’s skin by dipping a clean cotton wool in warm water; gently and carefully wipe your baby’s face. With time the acne is go away if soap was the causative agent.

You should only use a moisturizing body wash on your baby’s skin. Do away with lotions and creams which are likely to clog your baby’s skin until the acne is gone.Whenever your baby spits or drools you should wipe his face immediately. You can also keep a bib on your baby and change it when it becomes wet. Having moisture around your baby’s mouth for a long time tends to increase chin acne.

If the pimples on your baby’s face are by any chance scratched, that can worsen the condition and could even develop into a more serious problem and for this reason it is advisable that you keep your baby from scratching by use of hand mittens.

You can try using powder across the affected areas and as you do so avoid the babys eyes, mouth and ears. If you are breastfeeding and you thinking that it is the breastfeeding causing your baby acne it is advisable that seek a doctor’s opinion. The doctor is in a position to confirm that and will advise you so that you can change your diet for the sake of your baby. Also if you started a certain medication and your baby’s acne appeared you should talk to your doctor about it. Your doctor will prescribe a medication that will not trigger a reaction from your baby’s skin.

If baby acne becomes severe and spreads so fast you should consult a doctor. Your baby’s acne should not bother you so much. Be patient with it but if it doesn’t go away after three months , then you should be bothered and visit your doctor immediately.